Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Notes for a Man About a Horse

I need to make a running list of things I want (this is random things i want right at this moment):

1. The Shining on DVD (wanna watch it right now but I'll be damned if I bust out my VHS player)

2. A really good background for my laptop desktop. I can't find one I want.

3. HTC G2/HTC Magic/Google Ion or whatever name T-Mobile is going to give it.

4. Chicken tenders. Mmmm.

5. Diet coke.

6. Sleep.

Monday, June 1, 2009

the city rat by arron compton

the city rat has traveled away
sneaking through ravines to his country destination
enjoying the cover of dirt roads in moonlight
and the crumbs that we left behind
traveling upon the ancient road
the cacophony of crickets urge him onward
dark green grass pulses with the sound
as he spies the wooden structure tucked away
beneath gently swinging trees

the city rat has traveled away
though hot, dry fields of tobacco to his rural finale
basking in the shadow of the abandoned home
and the dark soil that surrounds it
his journey to absolution has come to its peak
and the moon arches its back in unison
his dirty claws climb the wooden steps of the sagging front porch
he does not worry about bustling feet and fragility
for here, all sleeps, and he is the stalker

the city rat has traveled away
a vagabond on country roads brought here by a dirty promise
his last crumb of bread passes through his sharpened teeth
as he sits on his haunches, preparing for the task at hand
the tiny murderer crosses the threshold and all is in motion
each miniscule step reverberates throughout the hallways
and the paint chips droop down the walls like colored tears
as if they can see what lies ahead
and the deeds of the unexpected visitor